Are you interested in learning how the Holy Writings of the Baha’i Faith explain the beliefs, practices, and vision of this new world religion?
Would you like to know what the Founder of the Baha’i Faith wrote in His Own Words about such things as God, religion, prayer, fasting, careers, families, and community life? Would you like to know what the other Central Figures of this religion, along with its institutions have written about these topics?
Quotations for Manifesting Your Potential, a companion to the book Manifesting Your Potential in the Baha’i Faith, is a new book that offers a compilation of quotations from the Baha’i Holy Writings about many of the most important topics of our lives. It includes chapters on the beliefs of this faith including concepts of God, religion, life after death, detachment and sins and forgiveness. It also includes chapters about practicing the Baha’i faith including chapters about prayer, meditation, pilgrimage, teaching the faith, and more. And lastly it has chapters about the vision of the faith for a better world including world citizenship, consultation, and community life.
Who this book is for
This compilation brings together some of the most potent and life-changing passages of the Baha’i Writings. It offers any seeker of truth a treasure trove of ideas, explanations, and challenges to make us healthier, happier, and more fulfilled human beings. Believed by Baha’is to be the spiritual medicine for this modern globalized age, the beliefs, practices, and vision of the Baha’i Faith offer all of humanity a personalized plan to approach God from a mature, open-minded, and balanced perspective. People who are already Baha’is will find this book includes a wealth of quotations that they can use in any dialog about personal transformation and finding a better life for oneself.