We live in AMAZING times. Anyone who has worked in technology or any professional field over the past couple of decades will tell you that the world is absolutely changing in ways that it is increasingly hard to keep up.

Many of us know that the power to build community on a global scale is finally a reality. We can now connect, learn, and collaborate with every soul on the planet. We can bring everyone into one family, one community, one team, like never before.

This is a reality seen every day. I was recently running seven teams across five time zones for a major global Internet company. I was also hiring freelancers on nights and weekends from distant corners of the globe to work on projects that I wanted to push forward on my own. And while it was hard to keep up sometimes, I have to sit back and recognize how totally amazing it is that we live in a world that can make this possible.

So, how can we harness this for the Faith? Well, read on to find out how the WhyUnite project is striving to do that.

If you are a creative professional with a few hours a month to give your talents and capacities to a virtual project, we want to put you to work. We want your ideas, your skills, and your passion to help us create the next wave of Baha’i inspired content that we can share with the world.

The fact is, doing things individually is exhausting. Anyone who has tried to create a Baha’i project over the years knows that, as an individual, you have about one good version in you. But you also know that in our world, version 1 is usually just the beginning. And to create something really good you have to learn, iterate, and improve.

That’s where teams come in. We work better when we’re on a team, each using our unique capacities to achieve a unified vision. We want to create a global network of volunteer teams focused on creating unique, compelling, and ever-evolving content for the Faith. We know this is possible because many of us do this kind of work every day for companies. So why can’t we do this for the Faith?

Look, we know you’re all very busy, and your time is really valuable. But we also know that some of the best work is done when you are most inspired by a project you really believe in. And we know that if you’re a Baha’i who cares about sharing this amazing religion with the world, that you have that passion.

As we’ve said in other places, we know this is just the beginning. We don’t know where this community of creatives is going to go in the future. But we hope it is a foundation for something truly compelling and useful for the Faith, and for the world.

We invite you to look at our open roles and see if anything piques your interest and you have a few hours you can give to our projects. If so, then please apply! We would love to have you.