Introducing a new book about the Baha’i Faith
A book by Nathan Thomas that explores how and why people from a variety of spiritual backgrounds become Baha’is.
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About the book:
Many Paths to the Bahá’í Faith
How people from every background are discovering a fulfilling, uplifting, and empowering spiritual journey with the Bahá’í Faith
Learn how people find their way into the Bahá’í Faith. Discover teachings that people of all backgrounds share in common with the Bahá’ís. Realize how seekers of all types are attracted to the Vision of Bahá’u’lláh for a better world. Find out how many open-minded souls are answering the questions that may hold them back from accepting this new world faith. Recognize the sense of fulfillment that comes from accepting and working to support a universal Cause for spiritual awareness, world unity, and justice for all mankind.
Many Paths to the Bahá’í Faith, How people from every background are discovering a fulfilling, uplifting, and empowering spiritual journey to the Bahá’í Faith, offers people from all religious (and non-religious) experiences insight into why people are joining this new world religion. In the process the book offers insight into the Bahá’í Faith, its teachings, practices, and theological foundations. It covers:
- A basic introduction to the Bahá’í Faith
- How people prepare themselves for a spiritual journey
- Why people from Christian, Islamic, Jewish, Hindu, Buddhist, Native, and agnostic backgrounds become Bahá’ís
- What people of other faiths find in common with the Bahá’í teachings
- Challenges people face in their journey to become Bahá’ís
- How becoming a Bahá’í offers people hope, meaning, and purpose in life
- Suggested next steps for anyone investigating the Bahá’í Faith
A WhyUnite Book
The WhyUnite Project is an initiative to bring compelling, unique, and practical content to people about the Bahá’í Faith.
Discover more companion materials to this book
Learn more about the whole series that includes a compilation and DVD fireside talk with clips from interviews of many Baha’is sharing their stories on